Dora Garcia
*1965, Valladolid. Lives in Amsterdam and Brussels. Photographic Documentation and Archive of Manifesta 2: Roman Mensing, Münster DJ Los muertos, 1998 (mixed media) Dora Garcia's installation is made up of various elements including a table, a chair and a recorder-amplifier. The latter records the sounds picked up during the performance, which has been conceived by the artist and realised by a DJ during the setting up of the exhibition. The recorder mixes two discs containing four biographical texts written by the artist, as well as percussion rhythms and songs. Dora Garcia has recorded all the sounds from the performance and combines them with the surrounding sounds. The sound thus produced is transformed into a background music blending elements from the artist's memory with surrounding elements. The multiplicity and the inherent contradictions that appear draw our attention to the problems of semblance and illusion.
C.P.C.A. 12, rue du Puits, Bonnevoie