Robert Fleck
Maria Lind
Barbara Vanderlinden
Manifesta 2 will be put together by three independent curators: Robert Fleck (Paris/Vienna), Maria Lind (Stockholm) and Barbara Vanderlinden (Brussels). They were selected by an international committee consisting of Chris Dercon (Rotterdam), Hedwig Fijen (Amsterdam), Henry Meyric Hughes (London), Kasper König (Frankfurt), Enrico Lunghi (Luxembourg), Hans-Ulrich Obrist (Paris) and Lilijana Stepanc˜ic˜ (Ljubjana), at a meeting at the Casino Luxembourg - Forum d'art contemporain on 17 January 1997.
Robert Fleck was born in Vienna and has been living in France since 1981. He has been working as an independent art critic, historian and organiser of exhibitions since 1982. From 1991 to 1993, he was official curator to the Austrian Ministry of Culture. Since 1991, he has been the French correspondent to the magazine ART- Das Kunstmagazin (Hamburg) and curator to the museum in progress in Vienna. Amongst his publications and exhibitions are: "Avantgarde in Wien" (1982), "Treffpunkt Wien. Un regard sur Vienne" (1985), "Gleichheit auf den Barrikaden. Die Revolutionen von 1848 in Europa" (1991), "SpielhölIe. Ästhetik und Gewalt" (1992), "Centre Paris. Peinture et société à Paris depuis 1960" (1993), "What can be shown cannot be said. Wittgenstein's Bust of A Young Woman" (1994), and "Raymond Hains, Gast auf der Durchreise" (1995). He is also curator of an exhibition celebrating the centenary of the Vienna Secession in 1998.
Maria Lind was born in Stockholm, where she lives and works. She studied art history, semiotics, feminist theory and Russian. She is an art critic and independent curator. Since 1993 she writes for the Swedish daily Svenska Dagbladet. Besides being the co-editor of the Scandinavian art magazine Index, she has written for Frieze, Art Monthly, Portfolio, Material and Trans. She is a PhD candidate at the Stockholm University and has been teaching at various art schools throughout Sweden. Selected exhibitions: "Letter and Event" (an international group show with among others Carsten Höller, Matts Leiderstam, Rirkrit Tiravanija, Jaan Toomik, Gitte Villesen and Elin Wikström at Apex Art in New York, 1997), "Sawn-Off" (six artists affiliated with Glasgow, among others Douglas Gordon, Christine Borland and Nathan Coley in six different spaces in and around Stockholm, 1996), "I am curious" (initiative and coordination of four group shows of contemporary art from Sweden in four independent art spaces in London and Glasgow, 1996) and "Drops from the Fountain - Four artists from St. Petersburg" (with among others Vita Bujvid and Bella Matvejeva at Sandvikens Konsthall and Mölndals Konsthall, 1992).
Barbara Vanderlinden was born in Brussels, where she lives and works. She studied philosophy, video and film. Together with Bart Cassiman she was curator for the contemporary art programme of Antwerp 93, European capital of culture. From 1991 to 1993 they organised three exhibitions with more than seventy international artists. Among which "On taking a normal situation...", "New sculptures for Middelheim" and "The Sublime Void". She is also founding director of Roomade, an independent organisation, responsible for initiating projects in collaboration with Matt Mullican, Marie Jose Burki, Kobe Matthys, Regina Möller, Tobias Rehberger, Anne Daems, etc., and other projects organised in unlikely venues such as deserted office-blocks. She has produced a series of artists' films and videos, such as Matt Mullican under Hypnosis. Barbara Vanderlinden is also the curator of a major art exhibition to take place in the Centro Cultural de Bélem during the World Exhibition in Lisbon in 1998 and a major urban project with Dan Graham in Antwerp.
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